Registration for AAUAlg's «Campus in Summer Vacation 2014» is now open

Registration for the initiative of occupation of free time for children aged 6 to 12 years «Campus em Vacations […]

Registration for the initiative of free time occupation of children from 6 to 12 years old «Campus in Summer 2014 Vacation», are already open. The University of Algarve Campus will become a (large) playground for the youngest, for six weeks, starting on the 16th of June.

Registration includes food (lunch and snacks), insurance, access to all activities around the clock from 9 am to 17:30 pm, photos and a certificate of participation. The first registration phase with a promotional price runs until the 31st of May.

Interested parents can enroll their children in periods of one or more weeks. On the «Campus on Vacation», the youngest will have «access to a set of sporting, cultural, recreational and training activities, not forgetting visits to various places and trips to the beach, to make the vacations of the little ones a unique experience». according to the Academic Association of the University of Algarve, which organizes the initiative.

«It is at the University of Algarve's Campi de Gambelas and Penha that our participants are transformed into “Academics” and “Rectors”, groups created according to age group, thus allowing a better adaptation of the activities to the age of the participants». adds organization.

More information about this holiday camp can be obtained at the headquarters of AAUAlg, in the former library of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia, on the Penha Campus of UALG, by [email protected] or by phone 289 888 444 and 91 700 93 52 .

