Câmara de Loulé to buy the historic Café Calcinha

The Chamber of Loulé approved, in a council meeting, its proposal to acquire the property where the […]

Loulé Council approved, in a council meeting, its proposal to acquire the property where the historic Café Calcinha is located, in the center of the city.

After an evaluation and counter-proposal by the owner, the City Council intends to acquire this emblematic space in the city for a value of around 182 thousand euros.

For this purchase to take place through public deed, the proposal must be approved at the next Municipal Assembly, scheduled for April 30th.

This Café was classified as a Building of Municipal Interest in 2012 and is, along with other monuments and places in Loulé, an element of identity in the city of the municipality itself. For those responsible for the Municipality, this acquisition is intended to promote the defense of Loulé's heritage and identity.

Located in the center of Loulé and in the most important commercial hub, Café Calcinha was for the last century, and until today, a sociocultural landmark for the local population and all visitors, being the only gathering space in the city's history. , which gave it the privilege of being the most emblematic and referenced establishment in local history.

Over the decades and in the course of its already long history (it was established on August 27, 1927), many were the important names of the village that frequented it, and the stories that were told there, from generation to generation, among the get-togethers, cafes, medronho, capilé or ginjinha and cigarillos or tobacco ounces.

Prestigious figures in public life in Loulé and in Portugal took part in it, including Frutuoso da Silva, Bernardo Lopes, Bexiga Peres, Pedro de Freitas, Reais Pinto, José Inês and Joaquim Magalhães. But none of them, however, would reach the notoriety of António Aleixo, who stood out for his biting and subtle retorts in loose and wise blocks; on the outside, a bronze statue was placed, in a more than fair tribute to the popular poet.

It is now one of the city's calling cards, its façade and interior being portrayed in many tourist brochures and on the internet as ex libris of Loule.

