Very positive balance for the 2014 Young March in Portimão

Very positive note for the 16th edition of the Young March, which for three intense weeks moved around 7500 young people […]

A very positive note for the 16th edition of Março Jovem, which for three intense weeks moved around 7500 young people and offered a diversified program full of irresistible proposals, from art to sport, through culture and street entertainment.

In terms of high moments, mobilizers of a large number of participants and spectators, highlighting the musical band contest, video game tournaments, Miss and Mister contests promoted by secondary schools, for the Regional Championship and the Portuguese BMX Cup, for the musical expression, dance and yoga workshops and also for the Festival of Martial Arts and Combat Sports.

Special reference for street entertainment, constant from the 7th to the 30th of March, for the XV Enportunas – Meeting of Academic Tunas and for the Gymnastics, Ballet and Dance Show, which had the participation of 108 gymnasts and 83 dancers and closed with golden key the Young March 2014.

A set of very diverse exhibitions also allowed to reveal or promote young talents and deserved general attention, as well as musical entertainment, workshops, lectures, walks and initiatives related to theatre.

It should also be noted the growing mobilization of the adult population, especially relatives of young people and children involved in the programming, and who responded affirmatively to the proposed challenges and invitations.

The role played by the organizational nucleus, which represented the living forces of Portimão and reflected the dynamics of the local youth and youth associative movement in the municipality, greatly contributed to the success achieved, with the commitment of around fifty entities, including schools , clubs, associations and companies, organized by the Municipality of Portimão.

