Chef Gordon Ramsay films Kitchen Nightmares in the Algarve

Gordon Ramsay, the famous British chef, author of the "Hell's Kitchen" program and judge on the North American version of "MasterChef", […]

Gordon Ramsay, the famous British chef, author of the program «Hell's Kitchen» and judge of the North American version of «MasterChef», will be in the Algarve in May or June to record at least one episode of the new season of the program «Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares».

The production team is currently looking for restaurant owners run by British immigrants who would agree to participate in the programme. It will not be easy to accept participating in a program where Gordon takes a restaurant in trouble to (try) to turn him into a success story, even though, in between, there are insults, arguments and sometimes screaming and tears.

Known for his bad temper, Gordon Ramsay will film in several European countries, namely Portugal, Spain, Greece and France.

In the Algarve, only one episode is scheduled to be filmed, but according to producer One Potato Two Potato “It all depends on the level of participation we have in this recruitment phase”.

The new series of episodes is expected to start airing next October.

Gordon Ramsay was recently in Portugal to launch his latest cookbook “Cozinha sem Limites”.


