Next Friday «A Terra Treme» nationwide

Next Friday, "A Terra Treme", but only for those who want to be associated, individually or collectively, with the public exercise […]

Next Friday, "A Terra Treme", but only for those who want to be associated, individually or collectively, in the public exercise of preparation for the seismic risk that the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) will promote throughout the territory national.

Anyone can participate by signing up. on the initiative's website, "individually or in groups (families, schools, companies, public and private organizations)" and, at 11:10 am on October 11, spend a minute simulating that an earthquake is taking place. Downloading, protecting and waiting are the three gestures that each one will have to do.

During the exercise, citizens must immediately lower themselves on their knees, a position that avoids falling in the event of an earthquake (also known as an earthquake or earthquake), then they must protect their head and neck with arms and hands, trying to get shelter, if possible, getting under a sturdy table and holding on to it. Finally, they must wait until the “earth stops shaking” (one minute).

Simple gestures, but it is convenient to «learn and train», as «they can save lives in the event of an earthquake», recalls the ANPC.

Citizens who register can (and should) do the exercise "wherever they are", at the designated time, anywhere in the country.

«The objective of “A Terra Treme” involves, above all, promoting information and mobilizing civil society to adopt adequate self-protection behavior in the event of an earthquake. It is, above all, an awareness-raising action that promotes knowledge of the seismic risk and the adoption of measures to mitigate its consequences», explains the President of ANPC Manuel Mateus Couto.

Volunteers who join the exercise are asked to promote «the animation of that minute, debate and the sharing of ideas before or after the exercise, in order to improve some identified weaknesses, by organizing the exercise for next year».

