University of Algarve researchers fight marine pollution

Researchers from the Center for Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Algarve (CIMA) collaborated with the National Maritime Authority in a […]

Researchers from the Center for Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Algarve (CIMA) collaborated with the National Maritime Authority in an international exercise to combat the pollution of the marine environment by hydrocarbons, which took place on 25 September, off the bay of Cascais.

Several drift buoys with different characteristics were launched by the UAlg research team, which make it possible to assess the relative importance of wind, waves and currents in the processes that occur during a liquid hydrocarbon spill.

According to Flávio Martins, coordinator of the UAlg team, “the experience allowed us to collect important data on the behavior of oil spills, data that will help to improve the degree of prediction of the drift and dispersion models currently developed at CIMA”.

