CHE neighborhood of Enxerim de Silves welcomes the Tremoço Festival once again

There are those who think it is better than shrimp and it is certainly a very popular snack for most Portuguese people. […]

There are those who think it is better than shrimp and it is certainly a very popular snack for most Portuguese people. Lupine once again has a party dedicated to Bairro CHE do Enxerim, in Silves, between September 6th and 8th, an initiative of the Amigos do Enxerim Association, which will have free admission.

A street show by the Percussion Orchestra «Percutunes» and a dance with Mónica Guerreiro will open the animation on 6th September. The second day of the event includes aerobic gymnastics, the Grupo Coral Alentejano from the Association of Communities of Tunis and a dance with José Gonçalves. The party ends on September 8th with the performance of B Babes Mini Minorcas, artistic dance, country music and a night of fado.

The 3rd "Festa do Tremoço", which has the support of the City Council of Silves, opens at 18 pm, closing at 2 am on September 6th and 7th and at midnight on the last day of the event.

