Universidade do Algarve opens pre-candidacies for «Year Zero 2013/14»

The University of Algarve has already opened the pre-application period for the «Year Zero 2013/14» and will receive proposals from students […]

The University of Algarve has already opened the pre-application period for the «Year Zero 2013/14» and will receive proposals from final year secondary school students until the 31st of August. The actual applications will run from 9th to 16th of September (1st phase), and from 26th of September to 3rd of October (2nd phase). More information can be obtained. on the UAlg website.

This is the second year that the Algarve Higher Education Institution has launched this initiative, the aim of which is to help high school finalists «to overcome their difficulties in entering higher education courses in Engineering/Technology or Economics, deepening their knowledge in the compulsory access subject(s), Physics and Chemistry A and/or Mathematics A».

«The Year Zero also provides them with the opportunity to attend, simultaneously, some curricular units of the respective degrees, crediting the ECTS of the units with success in the curricula of students who subsequently enroll in an Engineering/Technology or Economics course at UAlg . It also makes it possible to recover the year of delay in entering the University, taking advantage of the regulatory possibility of enrolling in a greater number of curricular units in the remaining years of the course», revealed UAlg, in a press release.

In the case of candidates for Engineering/Technology courses, "all those interested who, having completed the 12th year with a positive classification in the national exams of Physics and Chemistry A and Mathematics A, were not able to enter the engineering course of their choice are eligible. , or who successfully completed the continuous assessment process in secondary education, but did not pass at least one of the national examinations in Physics and Chemistry A and in Mathematics A».

«Candidates may also have completed the continuous assessment process in secondary education, without having taken at least one of the national exams in Physics and Chemistry A and Mathematics A, or having attended, among others, the subjects of Physics and Chemistry A and of Mathematics A, without having passed the continuous assessment process in one of these subjects or only in those two subjects», added the university.

As far as the Economics Course is concerned, the rules are the same, but they are only related to Mathematics A.

«It should be noted that Year Zero is an opportunity for students to establish their first contact with higher education and be able to actively participate in the academic activities of the University», concluded UAlg.

