António Costa sponsors Fernando Anastácio's candidacy in Albufeira

António Costa, mayor of Lisbon and member of the National Political Commission of the PS, is the special guest of […]

António Costa, mayor of Lisbon and member of the PS National Political Commission, is the special guest of the socialist candidate Fernando Anastácio, for the public presentation ceremony of PS candidates to the municipal bodies of Albufeira municipality, scheduled for Saturday July 13, at 20:30 pm, at the Hotel Paraíso, in this city.

The ceremony, with dinner, will have as speakers, in addition to António Costa, the PS candidate for the Presidency of the Chamber Fernando Anastácio, as well as Francisco Oliveira, head of the list for the Municipal Assembly, the representative Maria Teresa Silva and also Ana Pereira, from the nucleus of the youth of the Plataforma Cívica Albufeira Consigo.

