Proposal for the new Silves PDM has already been presented for final technical agreement

The proposal for the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) of Silves was completed and presented for final technical consultation to entities that […]

The proposal for the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) of Silves was completed and presented for final technical consultation to the entities that monitor its preparation.

This review process, which started about three years ago, should be completed by the middle of this year, after the public inquiry phase and, subsequently, approval of the plan.

According to the Chamber of Silves, it was a process that, in addition to being dense and complex, was characterized by participation, and which matured through a broad dialogue between the various actors involved - public and private - consubstantiated, in the practice, as a new plan, a 2nd generation PDM, innovative and ambitious in form, content and scope compared to the 1995 PDM.

It thus materializes in a planning model supported by an assumed development strategy and based on a thorough diagnosis of the current situation (at various scales and scopes) and on the clarification of a prospective vision, creating the roots of action of the present for a desired future, assuming, in this context, concrete challenges for the development of the municipality, materialized in action vectors operationalized on the ground through specific objectives and actions.

Simultaneously, and as an instrument for spatial planning and development, it aims to promote knowledge, competitiveness, attractiveness, centrality and territorial cohesion, as well as the sustainability of the development process, based on the principle of subsidiarity and partnership, conducted with the active involvement of actors in the territory.

