Barlavento Hospital Center promotes responses for citizens with disabilities

The Board of Directors of the Centro Hospitalar do Barlavento Algarvio has endowed the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service of […]

The Board of Directors of the Centro Hospitalar do Barlavento Algarvio provided the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service with the necessary means to prepare a Program for the Recovery of the Waiting List of Users with needs in terms of support technologies due to amputation.

This programme, whose execution was concluded at the end of last January, corresponded to a global economic effort of around 24 thousand euros.

The program covered 14 amputated users, to whom the respective prosthesis was made and delivered, and 27 mastectomized users, who were waiting for their aesthetic prosthesis.

These cases awaited his prosthesis, in some situations, for about two years, revealed the CHBA in a press release.

This external program was aimed at users already in the community and assisted by the CHBA, on an outpatient basis.

In addition, the Board of Directors created a direct and unbureaucratic route for the urgent orthotization of users (1), in hospital, with vertebral instability, with the response being, on average, less than 72 hours between the detection of the request and the orthotization final, in a universe of 12 users.

The CHBA management team also determined that, within the institution's economic possibilities, the sustainability of this program will be guaranteed and, in 2013, its expansion to an assisted posture program (2), "of equal importance and social return", in terms of enabling people with disabilities to participate more actively and fully in their family, social, professional or educational environment.

In this sense, a partnership was established with the Algarve Regional Social Security Center, in order to join efforts and complement synergies that promote access, for children and young people in the Barlavento Algarve, with severe disabilities, to support technologies, considered necessary for the compliance with the respective medical-functional and socio-educational rehabilitation programs.

The Board of Directors of CHBA admits that “this action will not be limited to the year 2013, as all the specific and pressing needs of citizens with disabilities or those with severe disabilities will not be exhausted in one year”.

And he stresses that it is “a program of great importance that presupposes a sustained and planned continuity and that contributes, above all, to a relevant approach to the population, their specific needs and needs with the available means, a sense of responsibility and mission and a great desire to do more».



(1) “urgent orthotization of patients, in hospital, with vertebral instability” – that is, placement of a device (orthosis – a brace) for spinal stabilization in hospitalized patients – with vertebral instability – which is caused by metastases in the spine.

(2) «assisted posture program» – that is, a program aimed at people who are unable to sit and who need orthoses (vest) to be able to support their bodies in that position.

