Historical archive of the Cork Museum of Silves was transferred to Faro

The historical archive of the Cork Museum of Silves has already been transferred, last week, to the District Archive of […]

The historical archive of the Cork Museum of Silves has already been transferred, last week, to the District Archive of Faro, announced Manuel Castelo Ramos, still director of that museum structure closed for three years.

The transfer of the file is the consequence of the filing protocol signed 'very recently between the administration of Fábrica do Inglês and the Secretary of State for Culture, through the General Directorate of Archives (DGARQ), as a precautionary measure and in order to safeguard the integrity of that important archival fund, at a time when the declaration of insolvency of Fábrica do Inglês may be imminent».

Manuel Ramos recalls that «this archive, whose documentation dates back to the 1998th century, was found in XNUMX in a basement under the Chalet where the old factory's administration functioned, currently in need of urgent conservation care and in-depth work on classification and organization» .

Its transfer, on the 29th and 30th of May, to the District Archive of Faro, «was the first step to ensure its integrity and conservation, and thus preserve one of the most important documentary reserves about the memory of cork in the forest and beyond».

This work was carried out by the techniques of the Municipal Archive of Silves, guided by João Sabóia, director of the District Archive, and Manuel Castelo Ramos, director of the Cork Museum.

A part of Fábrica do Inglês, in Silves, is up for sale at an electronic public auction for 901.831 euros until September 11th, according to the announcement in website of the Tax and Customs Authority.

The Cork Museum was considered the main exhibition on the existing cork industry in Portugal, and it even won the Micheletti Prize Best Industrial Museum in Europe in 2001, the year in which it received more than 100 visitors.

The Cork Museum, in addition to machines and other equipment from the old factory that remain in the same place, brings together an important documentary collection that dates back to the XNUMXth century, when the cork industry was thriving in Silves.

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