Former students, teachers and employees of the Secondary School of Silves gather for a mega dinner

A dinner for former students, teachers and employees of the Silves Secondary School is scheduled for the 30th of […]

A dinner for former students, teachers and employees of the Silves Secondary School is scheduled for June 30th.

The party begins with a reception in the new school building, from 18:30 pm, where the book “Histórias e Memórias da Nossa Escola” will be launched, written by Elias Rio, said the current director João Gomes, also mentioning that some surprises are being prepared for this sociable evening.

In this event, which will take place in the new space, all those who attended or are attending the Secondary School of Silves can participate, being an excellent opportunity to meet up with old colleagues.

The event organizers are expecting more than 1000 people in the new covered building of the playing field, where the main event will take place.

The Secondary School of Silves exists in this city since 1920, having occupied two other buildings. In 2009, the 50th anniversary of this building was celebrated, which from now on will have new premises and spaces, after the works carried out within the scope of the Parque Escolar interventions.

Tickets are now on sale at the secretariat of Escola Secundária de Silves or at

