PSD and CDS fail PS application to hear Secretary of State for Transport

The parliamentary majority PSD/CDS-PP this Wednesday rejected the PS's request to propose the hearing of the secretary of state of […]

The parliamentary majority PSD/CDS-PP this Wednesday rejected the PS's request to propose a hearing with the Secretary of State for Public Works, Transport and Communications to provide clarifications on the ex-SCUT, including the A22.

The application, which was voted on today at the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy and Public Works, had the unfavorable votes of the PSD and CDS-PP and the favorable vote of the PS. The PCP, the Left Bloc (BE) and the Ecologist Party “Os Verdes” were not present at the time of the vote.

The Algarve deputy of PS Miguel Freitas explained that the application aimed to "understand what is the assessment that the Government is currently doing in relation to ex-SCUT", namely to know the evolution of traffic and revenue on those roads.

By proposing the hearing of Secretary of State Sérgio Monteiro, the socialists also wanted to know what the Government's decision will be in relation to the exemptions in the former SCUT, namely in Via do Infante, which end on 30 June.

PSD deputy Pedro Saraiva described the request as not being "timely", stating that the matter was discussed in the plenary of the Assembly of the Republic last week.

The deputy of the CDS-PP Hélder Amaral considered the application "correct, but premature", recalling that the Government undertook to present a balance of the introduction of tolls in the former SCUT until the end of June and suggested that the PS put the questions to the Government .

In response, socialist deputy Miguel Freitas said that the PS has twice questioned the Government on the subject, having not received any response so far.

