Citizenship, Book Fair and Children's Festival return to Lagoa

The Citizenship, Book and Children's Festival returns off the Municipal Auditorium of Lagoa, for the seventh […]

The Citizenship, Book and Children's Festival returns to the square of the Municipal Auditorium of Lagoa, for the seventh consecutive year, this time scheduled for May 31st to July 2nd.

This event, organized by the Câmara de Lagoa, aims to be an interactive display of good social, cultural and sporting practices in the municipality.

According to the autarchy, «it seeks to combine the action of various social actors that promote the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens of Lagoa, calling for the participation of citizens in community activities, with the certainty that everyone has an important and fundamental role in the construction of a plural, evolved, responsible society, capable of responding to the economic, social and cultural challenges that we face on a daily basis».

As 2012 is the European Year of Active Aging and Solidarity between Generations, this event is framed in the theme, not only for the activities it develops, but for the concept of uniting, in a single space, themes that are transversal to all social agents, regardless of their social condition, whether at the age, economic or other level, or by promoting knowledge of the other, through civic participation and intergenerationality.

The Chamber understands that «this will be one of the main spaces dedicated to the transmission of values ​​and knowledge between adults, seniors, young people and children, of interaction and, above all, the sharing of experiences in which we all learn and we all teach».

