Instituto de Meteorologia makes the Universal Thermal Index available as of today

The Meteorology Institute, which already disclosed to the general public the WSI Bioclimatic Comfort Index (Weather Stress […]

The Meteorology Institute, which has already disclosed to the general public the WSI Bioclimatic Comfort Index (Weather Stress Index), through its website, also makes available, as of today, information on the Universal Thermal Index (UTCI).

The WSI, applicable in both hot and cold conditions, has as its calculation parameters the temperature, humidity and wind that are daily observed in the IM meteorological station network, calculated based on two observations per day, at 06 and at 13 UTC, it is now supplemented with additional information from this UTCI index, which is calculated based on 8 observations per day (00,03,06,09,12,15,18,21 UTC).

The new UTCI index is applicable to all climates and at any spatial scale, takes into account the exchange of heat fluxes and the thermoregulation of the individual, reflecting a greater concern in modeling the energy balance and considering local thermal effects throughout the body. , being independent of the individual's personal characteristics (considered as reference the activity of a person with a speed of 4 km/h).

