Researchers and teachers from UAlg demonstrated to «throw a stone in the pond»
A manifesto was delivered to the rector
A manifesto was delivered to the rector
Temporary work, precarious work, intermittent work, independent work, part-time work, outsourcing work, uberized work on a platform, everything precarious, everything transitory, everything transient, everything fluid
The Bloc delegation dedicated last Thursday to Higher Education and precariousness in research careers
The process of regularizing the CCDR's precarious conditions began about two years ago
Paulo Águas expects to have all tenders open by the end of 2019
At issue is the reluctance on the part of the UAlg rectory to launch a competition to integrate 30 precarious workers
Blocists requested the presence of researchers in the Committee on Education and Science of the Assembly of the Republic
University claims researchers do not accumulate science contracts with FCT researcher contracts
Integration of 19 precarious UAlg investigators, which had already been approved, will be reassessed tomorrow
Employees integrate the staff map of the Agency for Development and Cohesion, but do not leave the Faro
UAlg's precarious group includes «51 technical collaborators and 18 researchers who perform, in the institution, positions and functions that are fundamental to its daily functioning»