AF Algarve: Messines hosts Young Promises Tournament
Games start at 9:30am
Games start at 9:30am
In the months of May and June
Network aims to «value local markets, quality products and local commerce, in an integrated, articulated way»
The ceremony took place at the Palace of Belém, in Lisbon.
Company belongs to Grupo NOV Ambiente & Energia
Replacement works for road markings on Esta 264 (Messines-Algoz) have already been completed
According to the Câmara de Silves, a «temporary signaling plan will be implemented, for a foreseeable period of five days»
As part of the commemorations of the Day of the Municipality of Silves
Between August 4st and September 4th
Tiago Cantigas is 31 years old, is a GNR by profession and has played for two seasons at the Casa do Povo de Messines
the 29th of June