Odemira Chamber and Horticulturists Association study how to improve the transport network
Study will see «what are the flows of labor or individuals who are not seeing their transport needs resolved»
Study will see «what are the flows of labor or individuals who are not seeing their transport needs resolved»
The former ambassador insisted that it was also necessary to look at the housing crisis in Portugal
AIMA has a high number of pending cases
On Monday, the Council of Ministers approved the Action Plan for Migration
New rules were announced yesterday
In parallel, the Government announced the creation of a Foreigners and Borders Unit (UEF) in the PSP to monitor the presence of immigrants
“Portugal is experiencing, in my opinion, not an immigration crisis, but a crisis of immigration policy and the institutions that deal with immigration”
These young people do not see their “history represented in their manuals”
“Nothing has worked in that sector for months. I think it is absolutely essential that this issue be resolved.”
Leader highlighted the importance of foreign workers for sectors such as agriculture, tourism or construction, which depend on this workforce “for their survival”
According to the organization, Ovibeja, like every year, will include «exhibitors from North to South of Portugal» and also from Spain