Costa cuts 20% in government members

Names are not yet known: only the Government's organic

Prime Minister António Costa has already disclosed the organic structure of the XXIII Constitutional Government. The Executive will have 17 ministers and 38 secretaries of State, 20% fewer governors than in the previous Executive.

The government that is now out of office had 19 ministers and 50 secretaries of state, out of a total of 70, including the prime minister. This means that the next Executive will have 14 fewer elements.

In addition, there is the concentration of ministries. As JN reported, the Ministry of Planning is extinguished. "The ministries with direct responsibility for the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan will be the first to concentrate, until the end of the year 2022, in the current headquarters of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, under the coordination of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers", informed the minister. Antonio Costa's office.


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