Loulé promotes palm and esparto grass confectionery circle

Participation is free

On the 21st of September, Loulé will be holding a large Palm and Esparto Empreita Circle, in the vicinity of the Espírito Santo Convent. 

The event, part of the Loulé Criativo project, marks the start of the Loulé Market, Autumn edition, and aims to be a showcase of the ancestral technique of empreita – so typical of the municipality of Loulé – as well as an opportunity for all those who want to relive times of the past and try working with these vegetable fibers, under the guidance of master contractors.

On Saturday, the 21st, the artisans who work and sell their products daily at Casa da Empreita and Casa do Esparto, interweaving raw materials to produce various pieces – bags, baskets, lamps, doormats, pieces of a more traditional and contemporary format – will go out onto the streets and recreate a tradition that has lasted for decades and that encouraged not only collective work, but also socializing and the exchange of experiences, at a time when distractions were different.

The activity takes place between 10:00 am and 13:00 pm and participation is free.

