Tavira City Council extended its “Fora do Lixo!” project to Private Social Solidarity Institutions. – Axis 1: Biowaste”.
In this sense, another composting workshop was held on July 30th at the Álvaro de Campos Municipal Library with the aim of training and involving participants in the correct recycling of bio-waste, making each individual an agent of the circular economy and active part in Recycling – Upcycling – Reuse and Reduction actions.
With the aim of expanding the project and conveying the idea that waste is not synonymous with garbage and that it can be valued, the institutions that are part of the “IPSS + Friend of the Environment” project of so that teams and users can collaborate in recycling bio-waste produced in an institutional context.
At the end, participants and entities received, free of charge, a composting kit, which includes a 330L domestic composter, a 7L bucket and a composting guide.
Registration remains open for the free delivery of composting kits to interested parties.