Lagos Chamber launches competition for new housing development

Investment of 3,6 million euros

The Lagos City Council approved the opening of a tender for the implementation of yet another new housing development (of 24 dwellings), to be built in the village of Chinicato.

Envisaged in the Local Housing Strategy, this will be the fifth project to move forward, out of a total of 260 new homes to be added to the municipal housing stock, «with a view to mitigating the situation of housing shortage that the municipality is experiencing», highlights the municipality.

Representing an investment of 3,6 million euros, this competition uses the design-build contract modality, therefore including the preparation of the project and subsequent execution of the work, to be developed based on the existing Preliminary Study.

The municipality of Lagos recently allocated 47 homes, which are being delivered to families in phases, as the projects are completed, «since it was decided to geographically decentralize this offer across the municipal territory».

This package includes the properties of Bensafrim (8 apartments), Sargaçal (9 single-family homes), Lagos – Chesgal (12 homes), Barão de São João (6 homes) and Lagos – Cerca do Cemitério (12 homes).

The contract tender now launched is already part of a second set of 213 homes, to be built in Chinicato (24 homes), in Lagos – Chesgal (104 homes), in Lagos – Santo Amaro (51 homes) and in Bensafrim (20 + 14 fires).



