EURES Cross-border Andalusia-Algarve Closing Day scheduled for Ayamonte

Event is organized by the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) and IEFP

The Closing Day of the Andalusia-Algarve Cross-Border EURES Project (EURES T AA) will take place on March 13, in Ayamonte (Spain).

The opening of the event will be attended by the mayor of Ayamonte, Alberto Fernández Rodríguez, from deputy head of Unit at DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (ELA) of the European Commission, Lambert Kleinmann, the president of the IEFP Board of Directors, Domingos Lopes, and also the deputy advisor for Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment of the Junta de Andalucía, Beatriz Barranco Montes.

This event is organized by the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) and the IEFP.

In addition to the closing meeting of the EURES TAA 2022-2024 projects, the day aims to take stock of the two years of joint work, through results panels for each project activity, as well as reflecting on the importance that the projects have for the regions borders, namely in the creation of Cross-Border Employment Observatories.

The coordinators of the six European Cross-Border EURES participate: Galicia-North of Portugal, Extremadura-Alentejo, Andalucía-Algarve (Portugal and Spain), Oberrhein-Rhin Supérieur (France and Germany), EURADRIA (Italy and Slovenia) and EURES T de la Grande Région (Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg).

A meeting of the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Advisory Committee will also take place, attended by EURES TAA partners and external entities collaborating with the Project.

In order to be able to be followed by the public, the journey takes place in a live streaming, through SAE channel on Youtube.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission and coordinated by the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) in collaboration with the Employment and Vocational Training Institute and the following partners: State Public Employment Service, the Universities of Huelva and Algarve, the Commission of Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve and Diputación de Huelva, Mancom Islantilla, the Association for the Development of Baixo Guadiana “Odiana”, Associação Tertúlia Algarvia, Eurocidade do Guadiana and business and trade union organizations operating in the border territory (CEA, FOE , NERA, ACRAL, CCOO Andaluzia, UGT Andaluzia, UGT Algarve, CGTP-IN Algarve).



