GNR monitors travel on finalist trips

The objective of the operation is to prevent risky behavior among the young population

The Republican National Guard (GNR) will carry out, from Monday, an awareness-raising operation among the school community and inspection at land borders in connection with final year students' travel, the guard announced today.

According to the GNR, the “Spring Break 2024” operation, which takes place in two phases, involves awareness-raising actions among the school community and inspection at the borders of Vilar Formoso, in the district of Guarda, Caia, in Portalegre, and Vila Real de Santo António, in Faro.

The objective of the operation is to prevent risky behavior among the young population, who travel at this time of year to the south of Spain and Catalonia on a finals trip.

In the first phase, which runs until March 24, the GNR will carry out awareness-raising activities among young people, aiming to raise awareness among students about risk behaviors associated with “the consumption of drugs and alcohol inherent to final year trips and school holidays , aimed at the target group of students from the 9th to the 12th year of schooling”.

Between the 22nd of March and the 07th of April, the GNR, with the support of the criminal investigation team and drug detection binomials, in coordination with the Spanish Guardia Civil, will carry out inspection actions at the land borders in Vilar Formoso, Caia and Vila Real de Santo António.

According to the GNR in a statement, the objective is to “detect the practice of illicit activities associated with the consumption of narcotic substances, as well as guarantee the safety conditions of the vehicles that will transport young people”.

The PSP is also carrying out awareness-raising activities among students who are going on senior trips, alerting them to the excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs during their trips.

In a statement sent to Lusa on Tuesday, the Public Security Police indicated that the “Viagens de Finalistas” operation will run until March 22nd across the country, at a time when students in the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary schools carry out finalist trips, with Spain being one of the most frequent destinations.


