Executive from Aljezur went to Odeceixe to visit works and speak to the population

Action will be repeated in different parishes

Visiting ongoing works and contacting the population was the objective of a working visit that José Gonçalves, mayor of Alezur, accompanied by councilors responsible for the municipality, made last Friday, the 23rd, to the parish of Odeceixe.

The program included a visit to the sidewalk repair and remodeling works of the museum/wine cellar, the UCSP health extension and the Escola Básica Integrada school, «where small interventions were discussed and considered to improve the space and create better conditions for the comfort and well-being of children», according to the Chamber.

The interventions being carried out in gardens and roundabouts and those planned for the variant, «with the specific objective of creating new beautifications of spaces that allow effective water savings», were also visited.

The members of the executive also listened to the citizens “in relation to their desires and concerns”

These actions, which will extend to the remaining parishes, «aim to reinforce close relationships with the population, coordinate ongoing works with parish executives and develop and understand the needs, difficulties and perspectives of citizens, companies and institutions in relation to the parish and the municipality».




