Relationship specialist takes “Amor Simplex” to the Portimão Library

Show takes place on February 17th

Relationship specialist Eduardo Torgal will take the show “Amor Simplex” to the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Municipal Library, in Portimão, on February 17th, at 21:30 pm. 

In this show, Eduardo Torgal will share with the public everything he knows about “the perfect relationship algorithm”, in the conviction that “humor can save love”.

This specialist is known for his participation in some SIC programs, such as “Married at First Sight”, “O Carro do Amor” and “Consultório Sentimental”. Eduardo Torgal is coach since 2004 and has trained thousands of people, and this experience is summarized in “Amor Simplex”, which according to critics is “a light, deep and fun show”.

The synopsis says that «the paths of love are covered with humor, from passion to routine, from wrinkles to fake breasts, from miserable people to mommy's children, from dysfunctional families to functional mothers-in-law, from the first date to divorce, unicorns and ' corns', bombs and barbies, from betrayals to mini with lupins, from marriage to minefields, from toothpaste to astrology».

The show “Amor Simplex” was created by Bang Produções, a company specialized in content creation, events and comedy production for companies, being the only entity in the country to provide specific training for standup comedy, where more than a thousand new aspiring comedians have passed.



