Lagos Municipal Assembly discusses access regulations to Dona Ana and Camilo beaches

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

The regulation of access to Dona Ana and Camilo beaches will be one of the topics under analysis in the extraordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of Lagos, scheduled for the 11th of September, from 20 pm, in the Auditorium of the Séc. XXI. 

The remaining agenda will include assessments and votes on the proposals for the Municipal Regulation for the Attribution of Scholarships, the Municipal Housing Report and the setting of the Municipal Property Tax – IMI to be charged in 2024.

Added to this is the discussion and vote on the proposal to launch a Surcharge in 2023 to be charged in 2024, the proposal for a variable participation in the IRS in 2024 and the Municipal Fee for Rights of Way (TMDP), to be applied next year.

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

Citizens who wish to do so may intervene at the beginning of the Session, during the period of public interventions, to request, in a succinct manner, the clarifications they understand, dealing with matters related to the Municipality. The intervention cannot exceed 5 minutes and requires prior registration, up to a maximum of five interventions.

The works of this session can be followed on the internet, at Youtube channel and on the Lagos Municipal Assembly Facebook page.


Click here to view the Notice (PDF)


