Lagos suggests CLAIM Itinerante to serve the Terras do Infante

CLAIM network exists for 20 years, being implemented in Lagos since 2007

The Municipality of Lagos states that it is «available to institute the “CLAIM Itinerante Terras do Infante”, a project that aims to extend the implementation of the CLAIM Network, of the Local Support Centers for the Integration of Migrants, to the geographic space of all the municipalities that are part of that association of municipalities (Lagos, Aljezur and Vila do Bispo).

According to the Câmara de Lagos, «the decentralization and approximation of this service to the populations aims to facilitate the integration of the migrant population», since the CLAIM «facilitates access to information on the applicable rights, the regularization processes and the respective families , among other critical matters for those who leave their country of origin and decide to settle in an unknown territory in search of better conditions or a new direction in life».

The project will now be proposed to the Board of Directors of Terras do Infante – Association of Municipalities and then to the municipalities of Aljezur and Vila do Bispo.

These two municipalities must express their agreement with the travel of CLAIM from Lagos to the respective municipalities, «on defined days and hours, for assistance with prior scheduling, requiring the implementation only of support in terms of providing a service space and computer resources , as human resources are provided by the municipality of Lagos, which has recently strengthened the response capacity of this service».

The CLAIM Network has existed for 20 years, having been implemented in Lagos since 2007, following the collaboration protocol signed between the municipality and the then High Commission for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities.

Operating uninterruptedly since that date, the Lagos service desk has registered «a growing demand for migrant citizens residing not only in the municipality, but also in neighboring municipalities where this response is non-existent».


