UAlg participates in the ERASMUS+ project for non-native language Portuguese students

In addition to Portugal (University of Algarve), the project includes partners from Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Italy.

The University of Algarve is part of the international project Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms (RE.MA.C), financed by the ERAMUS+ program, which is aimed at students of Portuguese as a non-native language (PLNM).

According to the UAlg, the project «aims to meet the needs of teaching and learning, cognitive and social, in an educational context that is increasingly demanding, multilingual and multicultural, promoting equal opportunities, through the use, by teachers, of a innovative digital methodology for non-mother tongue Portuguese students».

The project started on December 1st last year, with a duration of two years, and, in addition to Portugal (University of the Algarve), it includes partners from Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Italy.

«The intention is to create and implement interactive activities, in the linguistic (L2) and intercultural domains, through the use of the MILAGE APRENDER+ platform, developed by the University of Algarve, with PLNM students (A1-B1), between 6-12 years old, and with the participation of teachers from the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (in the areas of Portuguese, PLNM, History and Geography of Portugal and Natural Sciences)», explains UAlg.

The team from the University of Algarve is made up of Mauro Figueiredo, Carla Dionísio Gonçalves, Teresa Maló Sequeira, José Rodrigues, Paula Ventura, Marielba Zacarias and also includes Olga Heitor from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


