Silves chooses winners of the Writing Challenges with the theme “The Woman”

Maria Vitorina Rita, João Francisco Canário and Paula Ribeiro Gonçalves are the big winners

Maria Vitorina Rita, João Francisco Canário and Paula Ribeiro Gonçalves are the big winners of the Desafios d'Escrita Contest, promoted by the Municipality of Silves, and this time dedicated to the theme “The Woman”. 

The text by Maria Vitorina Rita, from the Polo de Educação ao Longo da Vida in São Marcos da Serra was ranked first. In second place was the text written by João Francisco Canário, from the Education Center in Tunes, and third place was attributed to Paula Ribeiro Gonçalves, from the Education Center in Armação de Pêra.

The municipality of Silves congratulates all participants.


