Extraordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of Lagos scheduled for May 29

There are two points on the Agenda

The Municipal Assembly of Lagos meets, in an Extraordinary Session, on the 29th of May, at 20 pm, in the Auditorium of the Building of the Paços do Concelho Séc. XXI, in Lagos.

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

Citizens who so wish may intervene at the beginning of the session, during the Period of Public Interventions, with a view to submitting requests for clarification addressed to the Board of the Municipal Assembly on matters of public interest related to the Municipality. The intervention cannot exceed 5 minutes and requires prior registration.

This session of the deliberative body of the Municipality of Lagos will have the following Agenda:

Item 1 – Appraisal and vote on the assumption of a multi-annual commitment regarding the acquisition of Sanitation Services for Urban Solid Waste Disposal Equipment;

Item 2 – Appraisal and vote on the proposal for exemption from payment of fees for the Installation and Operation of an Improvised Enclosure, Provisional Enclosure and Special Noise License at an event held by Galaxia Apruma, Lda.

The works of this Session can be followed on the internet, on the Youtube channel and on the Facebook page of the Municipal Assembly of Lagos.

Click here to view the notice (PDF)


