The President of the Republic today marked National Firefighters' Day, asking citizens to maintain "preventive behavior" during the fire season and transmitting a "word of encouragement and confidence" to professionals in the sector, who deserve "respect and admiration".
In a message published on the official page of the Presidency of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa points out that, «across the country», tributes alluding to the National Firefighter's Day are multiplying.
"President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa joins each of these celebrations and renews his support for a sector that contributes so much to the safety and well-being of the Portuguese", reads the note.
The head of state states that the «professional, mixed or voluntary fire brigades», with a «wide spectrum of missions», continue to be «deserving the respect and admiration of the President of the Republic and the Portuguese people».
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa points out that these missions «do not end with fighting fires», but are also «basic with regard to the health sector».
"Even so, and taking into account the proximity of the time when the occurrence of forest fires intensifies, the head of state takes the opportunity to convey a word of encouragement and confidence to firefighters and firefighters", reads.
The President of the Republic also appeals to "all citizens who, in a collective and solidary effort, continue to adopt preventive behaviours, in order to reduce the number of ignitions in rural areas".