Council of Ministers approves diploma on length of service for teachers

The measures, which make it possible to accelerate career progression, are intended for teachers who worked during the two freeze periods, between 2005 and 2017

The Council of Ministers approved today a set of measures with an impact on the length of service of teachers, with the aim of correcting the asymmetries resulting from the freezing of the teaching career.

«The Council of Ministers approved today the decree-law that establishes the special regime for regularizing asymmetries in the career progression of kindergarten teachers and primary and secondary education teachers», announced the Minister of the Presidency in a press conference, at the end of of the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

The measures, which make it possible to accelerate career progression, are intended for teachers who worked during the two freeze periods, between 2005 and 2017 and, according to Mariana Vieira da Silva, the objective is to correct the asymmetries resulting from this freeze.

The decree-law provides that teachers will recover the time they spent waiting for a vacancy in the 4th and 6th grades from the year of thawing (2018), that they will be exempt from vacancies for access to the 5th and 7th grades .th, in addition to the reduction of one year in the duration of the step for those who were also waiting for a vacancy, but are already above the 6th step.

The diploma was being negotiated for about a month, but the process ended without the agreement of the trade unions, who continue to demand full recovery of the length of service (six years, six months and 23 days).


