Who wants to learn more about bonsai?

A “Bonsai Workshop and Exhibition with Mediterranean Species” will take place on the 7th of May, from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm, at […]

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A “Bonsai Workshop and Exhibition with Mediterranean species” will take place on the 7th of May, from 10 am to 00 pm, at Sítio das Fontes – Nature Interpretation Center (Lagoa). 

The objective is to «foster a taste for the cultivation of Mediterranean species with ornamental use, as characteristics of Mediterranean culture, as well as the ecological importance of their use in gardens and parks», says the Câmara de Lagoa.

During the activity, there will be an exhibition of copies, open to the public. At the end, participants will be able to take a tree that has already been worked.

In the form of a gathering, themes and myths of Bonsai art and techniques will be addressed, as well as basic knowledge to take care of these small trees will be transmitted.

During the workshop there will be an opportunity to talk about history, styles and characteristics, techniques (pruning, wiring, transplants, maintenance, irrigation, propagation), pests and diseases, soils and fertilization, vases and other materials.

There will also be a conversation about Mediterranean ecosystems and their natural and cultural values, as well as the importance of their preservation.

If you want to participate, you can register here




