The Municipality of Lagoa invested, during the year 2022, two million, eight hundred and thirty-two thousand euros in the area of social action.
Under the motto “Leave no Lagoense behind”, the Municipality invested in the area of social action, through support for IPSS's based in the municipality, support for young couples through the Birth Incentive Programme, support for the population through of the Lease Support Program for Needy Families, support through the Social Emergency Fund, support through the Social Assistance and Proximity Office, support through the Social Assistance and Follow-up Service, as well as through the attribution of scholarships to higher education students.
Of the investments carried out last year, emphasis should be given to support for IPSS'S, with a value of almost 1 million and 500 thousand euros, the Birth Incentive Program, with allocation of 194 thousand euros, the Service of Assistance and Social Monitoring, with an investment of around 114 thousand euros, the Social Emergency Fund, with allocation of support in the order of 112 thousand euros, and the Program to Support Leasing for Needy Families, with allocation of 103 thousand euros.
In a note, the Municipality recalls that, as of April 1, Lagoa assumed the powers of the state, namely, the services that were allocated to the Social Security Institute, such as the Service of Assistance and Social Monitoring (SAAS) of
people and families in situations of emergency, vulnerability and social exclusion, as well as the conclusion and follow-up of the Contracts for Insertion of the Beneficiaries of the Social Insertion Income (RSI), which brought the Municipality a greater challenge in an area as sensitive as that of social action.
«In the difficult and uncertain times in which we live, where inflation and interest rates rise from day to day, creating greater difficulties for families from Lagos, it is important to continue working so as not to leave anyone behind», says Luís Encarnação, president of Lagoon.