Joining the EMARP electronic invoice is helping Misericórdia de Alvor

“For a Senior Smile” is the name of the project

For one year, for each customer who adheres to the electronic bill for the Supply Water, Waste Water and Urban Waste services or direct debit, the Municipal Water and Waste Company of Portimão (EMARP) will donate 1 euro to Santa Casa da Misericórdia from Alvor (Portimão). 

EMARP, represented by Álvaro Bila, Chairman of the Board of Directors, signed a protocol with Misericórdia for the “Por um Sorriso Senior” project.

The project «aims to equip a space for the provision of physiotherapeutic care for users of the Home and Day Center of Santa Casa, improving their health, quality of life and well-being», says EMARP.

The previous protocol, in favor of the requalification project of the playground at A Catraia – Temporary Reception Center for Minors at Risk, totaled 10151 euros.

Signing up for electronic billing and/or direct debit can be done on here, in the APP EMARP online or by making the request by email to [email protected].


