Nuno Júdice's new poetry book, “Uma Colheita de Silêncios”, will be presented next Wednesday, at 18 pm, at Livraria LeYa on Buchholz, in Lisbon.
The book is presented by the poet António Carlos Cortez, researcher at the Center for Humanistic Studies at the University of Minho.
“Uma Colheita de Silêncios” succeeds the book of poems “O Mito da Europa” (2017).
Nuno Júdice was born in Mexilhoeira Grande, Portimão, in 1949. He graduated in Romance Philology from the Classical University of Lisbon.
Currently retired, Nuno Júdice was a professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and, literary, has been distinguished with more than ten national and foreign awards, since 1975, when he received the Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize.
Among others, he was distinguished with the Review/2000 Prize, from the International Association of Literary Critics, the Fernando Namora/Estoril Sol Prize, in 2004, the Hispano-American Prize Queen Sofia of Spain, in 2013, the International Poetry Prize Argana from the Maison de la Poésia du Maroc, in 2014, and, that same year, the Poetas del Mundo Latino Prize Victor Sandoval, from Mexico.