Costa promises personal commitment and that of the Government to continue «excellent cooperation» with Marcelo

The prime minister also ruled out any political crisis

Photo: Arlindo Man

This Thursday, March 9, the Prime Minister greeted Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on the date he completes seven years as President of the Republic and stressed that he and his Government will be committed to continuing the «excellent cooperation».

«I congratulate the President of the Republic on the occasion of his seventh anniversary as President of the Republic. It has been years of healthy and positive institutional solidarity, with a great relationship and respect for each one's functions», wrote António Costa on his account on the social network Twitter.

In the same series of messages, the leader of the executive resumed his thesis that "the Portuguese chose stability, with expressive votes, understood well the role of each of the powers and have very positively valued this relationship of cooperation" between the different bodies of sovereignty.

«The Government and I will remain committed to continuing this excellent cooperation in the years to come, serving Portugal and the Portuguese», he stressed.

On Wednesday, before attending a lunch with XNUMX scientists, an initiative part of the celebrations of International Women's Day, the Prime Minister referred to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's seven years as President of the Republic.

António Costa considered that his institutional relationship with the President of the Republic has been very good and said he believed that the parliamentary majority of the PS and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa would peacefully finish their respective mandates.

«It's been more than seven years of cohabitation and living together. As I do every year, I will certainly call the President of the Republic to congratulate him on this anniversary», he began by referring the leader of the executive to journalists, with the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, at his side.

Asked if the institutional relationship with the President of the Republic is better or worse in a phase of turbulence of the socialist government with an absolute socialist majority, Costa replied: "it's great".

«Let's see, what does turbulence mean? It's each one fulfilling their role. I think this is what the Portuguese have understood well and have valued this relationship very positively», he reacted.

António Costa then alluded to the will that was expressed by the Portuguese in the last Presidential elections in 2021 and in the Legislative elections in January 2022 to project the coming years in terms of institutional relations between the President of the Republic and the Government.

"By expressing the will of the Portuguese in the current presidential term and the current term of the parliamentary majority, we will live peacefully until the end of the two terms together", he declared.

The prime minister also ruled out any political crisis.


