Abusing children is «the worst crime there can be», says Manuela Eanes in Querença

Those who abuse children "have to go to psychiatry because they are sick", considered Manuela Eanes

Photos: Pedro Lemos | Sul Informação

She sees herself as "Catholic, closely linked to Christian humanism" and left this Friday, March 10, in Querença, a message to the Church on the abuse scandal. Manuela Eanes, former first lady, considered that the «most monstrous crime that can exist» is to abuse and mistreat a child. 

The wife of Ramalho Eanes, former President of the Republic (1976-1986), participated this afternoon, with her husband, in the inauguration of the Eco-Botanical Walk Manuel Gomes Guerreiro, in Querença.

Questioned by journalists about the recent results of the Independent Commission for the Study of Sexual Abuses against Children in the Church, Manuela Eanes assumed that abusing a child “is the worst that can happen”.

Abuses, he explained, can be seen in various contexts, such as “the family” or “society”.

«These people have to go to psychiatry because they are sick», considered Manuela Eanes.

Asked whether she is shocked by the cases in the Church and the response of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, the former first lady confessed that she is «always shocked», whether «when she is a magistrate, a priest or a father».

«Everything that happens in childhood has marks on youth and adolescence and adulthood», he reinforced.

Manuela Eanes also highlighted the fact that, in 1983, she created the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, a pioneering entity in denouncing mistreatment of children.

“As Mandela says, I think that children are the most beautiful and most important project of humanity”, he concluded.


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