Requests to query the pedophile register reach a record in 2022

Totaling 1.265, in a database with almost 6.500 pedophiles, according to the Ministry of Justice

Requests for consultation with the Registry of Convicts for Sexual Crimes Against Children reached the highest ever in 2022, totaling 1.265, in a database with almost 6.500 pedophiles, according to the Ministry of Justice.

In a response sent to the Lusa agency, the Ministry of Justice states that 2015 pedophiles are included in the criminal identification register of those convicted of sexual crimes against children, created in March 6.493.

According to the same information, since the creation of the database, more than 300 sexual aggressors of minors have been registered annually.

Data show that 2015 was the year in which more records of people convicted of crimes of sexual offense against minors were introduced, in all 377, followed by 2021 (366).

Last year, the data of 350 people convicted of child sexual abuse were entered into the register.

Requests for consultation with the criminal record of those convicted of sexual crimes against children have registered an annual increase, with 1.265 requests being registered last year, a record since its inception and an increase of almost 77% compared to 2021, when 716 requests were made. .

According to the Ministry of Justice, in 2020 consultation requests reached 550, while in 2019 there were 215, in 2018 there were 131, in 2017 they reached 96, in 2019 they reached 178 and in 2015 they remained at nine.

Data from the Ministry of Justice specify that in its eight years of existence, 3.160 queries were requested to the register of people convicted of sexual crimes against children.

The criminal record is accessible only to magistrates for the purposes of criminal investigation, entities competent to carry out acts of investigation or instruction in charge of cooperating internationally in the prevention and repression of crime and the Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services and Protection of Children and Young people.

The Ministry of Justice indicates that “citizens who exercise parental responsibilities over minors under 16 years old, through police authority, still have access to information, provided that they prove their residence, school attendance and proof of parental responsibilities over the minor, when this is a well-founded fear”.

This register created in 2015 includes the name, age, residence and crimes of those convicted of sexual crimes in which the victim is a minor.

According to the law, the criminal identification registration system contains data on aggressors for five years when a fine or prison sentence of up to one year is applied to them and for 10 years for prison sentences of more than one year and not more than five years. .

The data will be available for 15 years when a prison sentence of more than five years and not more than 10 years is applied. When the convict is punished with a sentence of more than 10 years, his data will be kept in the register for 20 years.

