“Big Brother” winner is special guest at Carnaval de Altura

Which takes place on the 18th and 19th of February

Miguel Vicente, born in Alcoutim, and winner of the last edition of reality show from TVI “Big Brother”, is the special guest of Carnaval de Altura, which takes place on the 18th and 19th of February. 

In this 20th edition, Carnaval de Heights has cinema as its central theme.

There will be 9 floats and 11 entertainment groups, representing the Parish Councils of Altura and Castro Marim, the group of Amigos do Bairro Quente, Zumba Group, Amigos da Arrancada, Grupo de Amigos de Altura, Clube Recreativo Alturense – group of ARUTLA dance, Associação Amendoeiras em Flor and Casa do Povo do Azinhal, Associação Cegonha Branca and the Culture and Sports Center of Castro Marim City Council.

After the procession, Carnival continues animated by various musical groups that entertain the many revelers who join in the Carnival de Altura.

The 20th edition of this Carnival is organized by the Parish Council of Altura and the Municipality of Castro Marim and the support of Supermercado Corvo, with the collaboration of associations and local businesses.


