Union of parishes of Faro adheres to the manifesto “Autarquias without glyphosate/herbicides”

The objective is to remove all chemical herbicide procedures that harm the environment

The Parishes Union Board of Faro decided, at the last executive meeting, to adhere to the manifesto “Autarquias sem Glyphosate/Herbicides”, promoted by Quercus.

The objective is to remove all chemical herbicide procedures that harm the environment, which has been happening since 2018, opting for weeding using mechanical weeding, as an alternative to the application of herbicides.

Thus, in addition to the usual procedures using mechanical means, only in very specific and specific situations, in weed control, will other alternatives be used, but always non-chemical ones, such as biological solutions for the control of weeds and only used products of natural origin.

With this measure, the União de Freguesias intends «that the known risks that have been revealing serious consequences for the health and for the environment of several herbicides, in particular those whose active substance is glyphosate, are minimized and abolished, actively contributing to a better environment in its territory and for the protection of the health and quality of life of its inhabitants”.


