Loulé will have «an unpolluted Ribeira do Cadoiço» and with «clear waters» within a year

Work that will allow solving environmental problems in Cadoiço was consigned

Cadoiço (file)

Guaranteeing Loulé residents and visitors to the county «an unpolluted Ribeira do Cadoiço, where the turbid color will give way to clear water» is the objective of the work to create an alternative collector to the one installed in Ribeira da Graça (water and sewage), which it was consigned yesterday, the 13th of December, and should be ready within a year.

This «fundamental» work will «respond to an environmental problem long pointed out by the community», as Sul Informação I already realized.

After all, as illustrated by Vítor Aleixo, mayor of Loulé, in the water line that will now be recovered there were periodically "occurrences of high pollutant load from sewage", due to the deterioration of the pipeline that runs inside a tunnel that crosses underground the entire city ​​of Loulé, from north to south (between Avenida Laginha Serafim and Ponte do Cadoiço on the road to Faro).

«This tunnel was very degraded and it only needed a little rain for the sewage to overflow and enter the water line, with those very sad images of seeing such a beautiful place, but with a highly polluted stream», explained the mayor, after signing of the work assignment document.

«Louletans need to come and enjoy the clean running water, with all the riverside vegetation, with the recovery of native plants, with hotels for insects to recover biodiversity and eliminate invasive plants that are very common in riparian galleries. All of this will be the subject of work that has already begun and which will have many more conditions to move forward with this work that will strongly contribute to the environmental recovery of water lines», defended the municipal official.



The works consist, revealed the Câmara de Loulé, «in the creation of a pipeline that will pass through an autonomous system, allowing that, when the rains fall, they can run through the natural drainage area, that is, through the stream itself. The part of the effluents from the houses will go directly to the sewer network».

«With this alternative, the sewage runs into itself and part of the rainwater discharges naturally into the stream and then into the sea», explained Joaquim Farrajota, responsible for the Municipality's Department of Works.

A large collector will be created starting at Rua Drª Laura Ayres (in front of the Administrative Court of Loulé), followed by Rua Ventura de Sousa Barbosa, Rua General Humberto Delgado, Rua Ribeiro da Graça and Rua do Cadoiço. A section of domestic collector with the same characteristics will also be executed between the parking area that connects Rua General Humberto Delgado and Rua Antero de Quental, as well as the repair and replacement of existing infrastructure along the entire route whenever necessary. .

«After long years and many studies carried out by LNEC, the work is finally on the ground, an investment of 1,5 million euros», illustrated the Chamber.

When the works are concluded, Vítor Aleixo believes that this ex-libris of the environmental heritage, located in the heart of the urban center of Loulé, could be «a point of conviviality, fruition and contemplation on the part of the citizens», not least because, right next door , the Urban and Agricultural Park of Loulé is being designed.




