CCDR approves plan to increase energy and water efficiency

For the three-year period 2022-24

Reducing energy, water and material consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the main objective of the ECO.AP 2030 Efficiency Plan for the 2022-2024 period, which the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR) of the Algarve recently approved.

In order to achieve these objectives, this entity will promote «the increase in the incorporation of renewable energy sources in self-consumption regime and CCDR's participation in the improvement of resource efficiency and reduction».

This document complies with the provisions of a 2020 Council of Ministers resolution, which listed the six priority objectives of the plan.

The first objective is to «conclude the energy certification of buildings covered by the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE)».

The resolution also advocated increasing the incorporation of renewable energies in final energy consumption through self-consumption and storage solutions, water efficiency and material efficiency.

«Training and raising awareness among workers on energy, water and material efficiency» and «communicating the strategy of the governing area within the scope of ECO.AP 2030» are the other objectives.

In the two buildings that house the CCDR services, at Praça da Liberdade and Palácio Doglioni, both in Faro, this entity intends to «reduce operating costs in terms of energy by 20% and the emission of greenhouse gases by 7%».


