PS/Algarve: Advance of the Central Hospital is «an act of great justice» and shows that the Government «complies»

This is «a victory for the mayors, health professionals and Algarve socialists who have never given up on this fight».

PS/Algarve considers that the decision to relaunch the construction work of the Central University Hospital of the Algarve it is an “act of great justice” for the region and that shows that the “Government keeps its word”. 

This is also, says PS/Algarve, «a victory for the mayors, health professionals and Algarve socialists who never gave up on this fight».

In a press release, the Socialists recall that the PS deputies, elected by the Algarve, «were the authors of a proposal to amend the State Budget in force, setting the end of the third quarter of 2022 for the Government to take the decision, now announced , on the construction model of the new hospital».

The PS also highlights the “adherence and support of the Prime Minister who included the construction of the new Central and University Hospital of the Algarve in the Government Program itself”, also underlining “the availability and commitment of the current Minister of Health and the Minister of Finance to in a short space of time to put in motion the most important and coveted public facility in the Algarve region».

«The new Central and University Hospital of the Algarve, the new hospital of Terras do Infante in Lagos, already in operation, the future Cancer Center to be installed in Parque das Cidades, the concrete increase in the number of students at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Algarve and the planned investments in the network of health centers and primary care in the region, with funding guaranteed in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, are a unique reinforcement of the quality of medicine and the response capacity of the National Health Service in the Algarve», the note concludes. of the socialists.


