Fires: 52 Observation Teams mobilized in the Algarve during an alert situation

There are also 28 crawler machines deployed

52 Observation Teams (EOBS) mobilized by the Municipal Civil Protection Services and 28 Tracking Machines hired by the municipalities are strengthening the Special Device for Fighting Rural Fires in the region, during the alert situation declared by the Government for the next few days, due to the danger of fire.

As the Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CREPC) explains, “in addition to the usual operational anticipation measures in reaction to the increase in the level of the Special Alert State (EAE) of the Integrated Protection and Relief Operations System (SIOPS)”, a network of «pre-positioning of means of combat in strategic places, comes to reduce even more the response times in the most vulnerable areas of the regional territory, materialized by the Fire Departments that commit in this period, 375 firefighters, distributed by 86 intervention teams (an addition of eleven teams to those previously installed)».

During this period, 22 Areas of Concentration and Support for the Population (ZCAP) were also prepared, «in all municipalities, key areas to accommodate the most vulnerable population in emergency situations, involving social action services».

The 52 Observation Teams, with means and resources from the Municipal Councils, Parish Councils, Hunters Associations, and other collectivities, are part of the operational prevention device, coordinated by the National Republican Guard. «A muscular reinforcement for the early detection of possible ignitions in the barrocal and mountain areas», highlights the CREPC.

The battery of 28 crawler machines, «whose mobilization time was substantially reduced, were strategically pre-positioned according to the territorial reality of each municipality, and are the guarantee of an anticipated projection by the Regional Command, in the expanded attack effort ( reinforcement of means), and an effective coordination by the Tactical Crew Engagement Team that is in immediate readiness. These differentiating equipment are accompanied by teams of Forest Sappers as articulated with the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests», concludes the CREPC.

