Algarve Family Therapy Unit helped more than a thousand families in 15 years

15th anniversary of this public health service is celebrated today, Wednesday

The Family Therapy Unit of the Algarve Regional Health Administration (ARS) has helped 1040 families, couples and post-divorce couples, in its 15 years of existence, which are completed today, June 22nd.

This service started its activity in 2007, in Faro, «emerging as the basis of a project carried out by two family therapists, Pedro Teigão and Alexandra Alvarez».

«With the creation of this public health service, the only one at the state level dedicated only to family and couples therapy, the objective is focused on providing an institutional response, offering a consultation aimed at assisting families in crisis, and having doctors available. family at USF and UCSP, in the district of Faro», according to ARS.

Currently, coordinated by Pedro Teigão, this unit has a team of four family therapists, who, with «maximum confidentiality», try to make families believe «that they have the skills to overcome their problems».

These consultations are confidential, free of charge and users can be referred by their family doctor or request assistance via email [email protected].

More information about this service can be found online.



