Emergency dredging has already begun in the Port of Lagos

Entrance to the Lagos bar has been conditioned for months

The emergency dredging work of the port of Lagos, to resolve the current navigation constraints on entry and exit, has already begun, announced today the DGRM – Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services.

This intervention will take place over the next three weeks and will involve the “mobilization of a “stationary platform”, with rotating machines and capacity to pump and repulse sediment, in an area agreed with environmental and local entities”, explains the DGRM.

Approximately 22.000 cubic meters of sediment will be removed at the entrance to the bar and at the beginning of the navigation channel, in order to restore adequate service drafts and maritime safety conditions.

DGRM stresses, in a note sent to the newsrooms, that it thanks all the understanding and collaboration of the various entities that participated in this process, particularly the Lagos City Council, the Captaincy of Porto, the Lagos Marina, Sopromar, Docapesca, APA and the ICNF.

Entrance to the Lagos bar has been restricted for months, due to silting.





