Lagos: Monitors can now sign up for the “Viver o Verão” project

The project will start on the 4th of July, ending on the 31st of August.

Registration for monitors of the project “Viver o Verão”, in Lagos, runs until this Saturday, April 30th. 

This free time occupation project, whose main objective is to develop social and personal skills, encourage the practice of sports and healthy habits, has been going on for almost 20 years.

The young participants, aged between 16 and 29, who sign up to work as child monitors or as collaborators in the environmental promotion service, will have the task of monitoring and ensuring the safety of children during the period in which the activities take place; controlling children's attendance and behavior; dynamize activities with children during break times; participate in weekly work meetings, among others.

Enrollment is made by filling in the form available on the project's website, being subject to a selection process according to several criteria, including age, experience in projects of this kind and participation in the previous year.

After selection, all the young monitors must undergo a specific training session according to the activity they will develop in the project, given by the technicians of the municipality.

This year's edition will take place in the city of Lagos, and will also be extended to the parishes of Luz, Bensafrim, Barão and the localities of Odiáxere/Chinicato.

The project will start on the 4th of July, ending on the 31st of August. The activities take place from Monday to Friday, in two shifts (morning or afternoon).


